My style assumes first person omniscience, from a historical view sometime in the middle 21st century. In other
words, the narrator knows what the other characters are thinking from what they later told him. Any thoughts of
dead characters come from speculation of the circumstances..
I use only the metric system. The American Engineering System went into a coma about the time Britain and the Commonwealth
Nations changed to the metric system in the mid-1970's. I expect the AES will one day go the way of the clipper ships
in the mid-19th century.
If I use a word you don't know (in my attempt to be more exact in my descriptions), look in the context. I will
probably mention the definition of that word soon after. I don't use hyperpolysyllabicsesquipedalianism to show off
my education, only to bring precision to my vision of the story. Of course, if you do think I went too far, email me!
Note that my characters are almost exclusively male Caucasians. I've tried to introduce other characters, but it just doesn't
work. I've downplayed the violence probably to a PG level, and sex is virtually absent. My thrust is the unraveling of the
mystery. My audience is primarily young adult, and those weary of sex and violence.

Below is a taste of life as a boy around 1969.

Clouds over Mount Nittany
Here are the charcter sketches:
Keith Alden Cahill
A virtual sidekick to George, whom George met the spring before "Assistant Assassin" -- in a case in Wilkes-Barré.
I have yet to write it.
Keith provides an intellectual reflection for George. Although Keith is small and Celtic, he can handle himself well.
Keith has been struggling to become a writer. During the series, he went to Penn State to pursue a degree in journalism.
In the last story, "Boisterous Boys", he still struggles to hold on to his dreams.

This kid comes close to my perception fo Marty McLamb, save the missing freckles. Marty appears as one of the "Boisterous
Boys". He is a Little Brother, a fatherless boy, who develops a relationship with the main characters.