Król runs into a dangerous situation while skiing undercover in the Poconos. Set in January 1988, it is the first story I
wrote with the setting in winter. For those familiar with the Supreme Court, you might notice some familiar villains in this
Król soon finds out that physiology can be his -- and his buddy Keith's -- death. Fortunately, he manages to turn some
of the villains against their masters, as he uncovers a criminal ring in one of the ski resorts in the Poconos, along the
Appalachians, in northeastern Pennsylvania. (C) 2024 Alopex
After three years of living in State College without the university, I accepted an assistantship with the department of political
science. I figured I had a better chance to get into teaching this way. Outside of my cases, I had no real career.
I returned to Wilkes-Barré for the holidays, and a reunion with my friends. Soon Keith and I were buddying around (male bonding)
in Wilkes-Barré. It was just after New Year's, Saturday the Second, when Joe, Keith and I arrived at my house.
"George, you had a call from the Poconos," my mother intoned as we climbed the front steps.
"The Poconos?" Joe frowned. "Whom do you know there?"
"No one that I know of," I mused. "What's the number?"
I removed my vest and denim jacket as I dialed the number. A man's voice answered.
"Hello. I'm trying to reach Troy Fedora."
"What's this about?"
"I'm George Król, returning your message."
The voice ascended. "I'm glad I could reach you. The State College police gave me your number. I'm the chief state inspector
here, investigating a mystery. I surely could use your help. The commonwealth (of Pennsylvania) would be quite generous."
"How'd you guys like to go on an adventure?" I asked aside.
"Where?" Keith chimed excitedly.
"Where is this mystery?" I repeated into the telephone with bated breath.
Fedora chuckled, "Have you ever heard of a place called Damiment?"
I felt my eyebrows rise.
"My high-school senior class-trip was there in 1975!"
"Good. I'll give you directions. We would like you to get here today. Are you coming alone?"
"No," I winked at my companions. "There will be three of us. These two have been quite helpful in other cases."
"Fine. I hope that you will expedite matters.
Governor Casey considers this case a high priority."
(Note: Pennsylvania in 1988)
"This case is high priority, guys," I announced when I hung up the phone.
That Sunday morning (3 January) my Renault struggled up the Pocono Mountains. Keith and Joe giggled a few times when I had
to downshift to third, then to second. Nonetheless, it was still forenoon when we arrived.
Fedora was waiting for us. His luxurious curls topped a form of about 1.86 m. He immediately greeted us.
"Glad you got here so quickly. Who's the group with you?" he smiled at us.
"Joe Tunk and Keith Cahill.
After exchanging handshakes, Troy motioned us inside to a coffeeshop We each perfunctorily ordered a two-cup Expresso, about
500 ml each. Troy expressed some stress as he told us the case.
"We have a murder mystery on our hands. I knew the victim well, a fellow state investigator. We found the corpse on a slope
on New Year's.
"The coroner was uncertain about the cause of death. He thought it was a heart attack, but the autopsy showed that the victim
was brain-dead at the time his heart stopped."
"Weird," Joe muttered. "I know of no poisons which would work that way."
"Well, there was a fellow from the physiology department from Penn State, who had, er, an unusual theory."
"What was that?" Keith asked earnestly.
"He said that death had occurred through something called 'orthostatic syncope'."
"Did you check the wrists and ankles?" I gulped.
"Wait a minute!" blurted Troy. "Do you mean you buy this guy's story?"
"No," I assuaged. "I mean that you should check every lead, especially if the coroner couldn't pinpoint the cause of death.
Besides, didn't you say it was murder? I hardly think that a heart attack be murder."
"You were really close to this guy," Keith surmised. "We're here to prove it's murder, and to solve the mystery. What was
he investigating?"
"We've had tips about a burglary ring here," Troy answered without composure. "Neil was onto something -- I just know it."
"Well, then we're here to test your intuition," Joe added. "Could you show us the corpse and where you found the body?
When we looked at the body of the investigator, we saw a curlipate in his mid-twenties, about 1.70 m, and irritation in the
lower limbs. I asked Troy the name of the physiologist who had made the diagnosis.
"So, you think this guy's correct. His name's George Verdigris, at Room 217."
"I'll join you at the site of the discovery later. I want to talk with this chap. Before I go, I want to know the location,
of course."
"George, you must control your impulse," Keith laughed. "I'd better come along"
After Troy gave me the location and the directions, Keith and I strolled into the motel area of the resort.
"Do you think we're going to disturb this guy?" Keith wondered. "I know it's noon, but he might be sleeping."
"We'll offer our apologies, but I want to know how he correctly knew the cause of death. No coroner would guess orthostatic
Keith's hazel eyes dilated. "So, you found out that Verdigris was correct!"
"Right, little buddy. Now I want to find out his motive for revealing it."
I knocked on the door of the room thrice. A flick of the wrist unlatched the door. A heuristic experience greeted us. There
had been some struggle in the room; furniture lay scattered around the room. Near the bed I could see a left arm protrude
into my view. We found George Verdigris lying supinely besides the bed. I knelt and felt for a pulse. No pulse throbbed in
the left wrist of the blond curlipate. I shook my head.
"It's inchoating a bad year for curly guys in their mid-twenties," I philosophized.
"I received your call just before Joe and I reached the spot," Troy stormed into the room, his rosy cheeks ashen.
"From the position of the body, I'd say they knocked him unconscious after some struggle. Look at the muscles on him! Of course,
I would expect a physiologist to stay in such shape!"
"What's the cause of death?" Troy asked my staring at the comely corpse.
"I'd say strangulation. I felt a broken trachea after I was sure he was dead. From the ribs on his neck, I'd guess some scarflike
material. Unfortunately, this incident did not just cost a bystander his life; it complicates the mystery."
"George, how do you know that Verdigris wasn't part of the burglary ring?"
"Joe, look around. This guy was living like a graduate teaching assistant. I'll bet he was driving some wornout used car!"
Author's note: Of course, I was joking about my current situation. Some of my students actually read this story. Unfortunately,
it was written longhanded. I'd like some of them to read it now!
Other note: this is 1988, so cellphones are not ubiquitous!
"Just like your Renault," Keith beamed.
"Precisely," I replied. "I'm afraid our work is only commencing. One thing is for sure; this burglary ring is dangerous."
"How did they get in here?" Joe queried as he scanned the room.
"They probably followed him in here," Keith ventured as he examined the portal woodwork. "It could be their motive was revenge
for correctly uncovering the first cause of death."
"Robbery is definitely out," Troy concluded. "He still has his wallet."
"What's this?" Keith shouted as he reached just under the bed. I saw him retrieve a pearl from the floor. Joe held it to the
light of a nearby window.
"It surely looks real," he muttered as he rolled it between his gloved index and thumb.
"Troy," I followed the logic. "One of these thefts wouldn't happen to be a pearl necklace, would it?"
"I don't remember. I can always get the list," he replied while picking up the phone. "Get me the lobby. I want to speak to
Craig Snider."
"This pearl ties this murder to the burglary gang, doesn't it?" Keith whispered to Joe and me.
"If it should be," I answered. "Then both murders would tie to this theft ring, and we would be in considerable danger in
this investigation."
"Considerable danger?" Joe repeated as we continued to regard the pearl.
"Guess what, guys," Troy interrupted. "There was such a burglary reported. The thieves hit Room 347 this morning, while the
couple was out to breakfast."
"How many investigators do you have on this case?" Joe quizzed Troy.
"Actually, we have only Craig and me."
"I suggest you get more. We're going to have to move fast to get these guys!"
"Why'd you say that?" I whispered to Joe on the way to our room.
"Because you'd said this case was dangerous," Joe answered simply. "I figure we need some protection. Do you have your pistol?"
"I keep it hidden in my suitcase. It has a hidden compartment. I'll show you when we get inside."
"Okay," Keith interrupted irritated. "Who has the key?"
"Why I think I do," I fumbled through my left pockets.
"Never mind," Keith noted. "The door's open."
"More than that!" Joe interjected.
Atop my suitcase lay a piece of cardboard with crimson letters:
Get off this case or face judgment!"
"One thing's for sure," I commented. "We can assume that Craig or Troy didn't write this message."
"How do you know that?" Keith queried.
"Because your names are not there, and the threat is on top of my suitcases. I think someone recognized me. We'll find out
as we continue this investigation."
"How are we going to do that?" Joe said with askance. "If they should know you, they would know us."
"Correct. So, we force them out in the open," I unveiled my plan as I showed my comrades where I kept the pistol in my suitcase.
We were soon off to the three jewelry stores around the resort.
I guessed that this ring needed a fence somewhere. Unfortunately, the three were closed for the New Year's weekend. Nonplussed
on that angle, we decided to explore the site where the inspector was found. We contacted Troy to meet us there.
"Any luck?" Craig accosted.
I'm afraid we came too early to check the jewelry stores for a fence."
"What makes you think that a fence would be here and not operating elsewhere?"
"I don't, but I doubt that this ring be just keeping the stuff hidden."
"So, now what? You can't try that angle again until Monday."
"There's no hurry. They won't be able to unload the loot until Monday, either. Besides, we'll need time to survey the area.
Tomorrow will be fun, rather than work, so we'll appear to our invisible adversaries."
"Here's where we found Neil," Troy indicated.
"The corpse was lying in this fenced area," Craig continued.
I grabbed my clefted chin with my gloved hand. "It's obvious that he didn't die here. Did you check his jacket and pants for
pressure marks?"
"Why, no" Troy answered back.
"I suggest you do. I am now certain Neil died of orthostatic syncope."
Both Troy and Craig were speechless.
"Come on, guys," I commanded. "Let's go up the acclivity for some clues. They could still be fresh because there was no storm
last night.
"I'm sure someone dropped Neil here after they had killed him. I figure it'd be easier to drag a body downhill."
"What makes you think that they didn't use a snowmobile and cover their tracks?" Keith persisted.
"No time, friend. Besides, there are no other tracks. My guess is that someone carried him here, which means they had executed
him near here, someplace hidden."
"A cave, perhaps?"
"Keith, there could be an abri somewhere anywhere. An osar could cover the entrance."
"How did you guess all this?" Joe asked as he caught up to our gait.
"The irritation in the lower body plus the brain death confirmed that Neil was upright when he died. What confused me was
that there were no marks on his wrists and ankles. Then, I realized that they had hanged him fully clothed in a cold atmosphere.
Voilŕ, a cave!
"Aren't we alerting them to our plans if they should see us?" Joe wondered.
"That is why we're going to explore the slopes tomorrow. I want to find out the best possible place to hide an abri. They
can't see us from the cave, but they may follow us if they should see us from the outside. Our best bet is to force them to
"How far up do you want to go?"
"I think a hundred meters is enough, Keith. I'd say we have three candidates, one to our left and two to the right. Tomorrow
each of us will ski through this area. If you notice anything different than today, we three will come through here together."
"Did you find anything?" Troy questioned when we returned.
"Only that you'll need reinforcements on Monday," Keith stated cryptically.
"He means we have an idea where the culprits are, but we won't be able to flush them out until Monday," I expatiated.
Sunday the Third went by without further incident. I knew our antagonists had the advantage of acquaintance, so I skied through
the suspicious area as casually as I dared five times. Then I realized that I'd forgotten a possible nexus."
"Who found Neil's body yesterday?" I broached Troy when he answered the telephone.
"Actually, it was three guys. They may still be here. Hold on awhile while I check at the desk."
"Perhaps I do have a chore tonight", I thought. A few minutes later, Troy destroyed the thought.
"George," he returned crestfallen. "The names they gave us are not on the register."
"When they reported the discovery, what time of day was it?"
"About eight o'clock as I remember."
"When did the ski slopes open yesterday morning?"
"You know, George, you're right. If they had been skiers, they would not have time to come down the slope!"
"Which means we're talking about members of the burglary ring who knew Neil was dead and probably laid him there."
"Why do you suppose they didn't just dump him in the dark before dawn on Saturday? I'd think they wouldn't have wanted someone
to see them with the corpse."
"That's it, Troy. Someone must have seen them, so they reported it to avoid suspicion!"
"It still doesn't explain why they disposed the corpse that way. I'd take it somewhere."
"Troy, where'd you take it? No matter where they took the body, they risked discovery. If they had used a car, they'd have
left tracks. Ditto with a snowmobile. Perhaps their leader has a warped way of warning his foes unless..."
"Unless what, George?"
"...Unless they did it deliberately. If so, it'd be their Achilles heel!"
"I don't follow."
"Never mind, Troy. Are you getting reinforcements?"
"Yes, Harrisburg lent us three agents for the week"
"That should be plenty of time. Tomorrow morning, my group is going to stake out the jewelry store for a fencing operation.
When I shake the tree, I want to catch all the apples."
"The agents should be here by noon."
"Fine, here's to good hunting."
Finally, Monday the Fourth dawned over the resort. Because the shops were open at eight, we three retired and arose early.
By five to eight, each of us was at his post. It was about a quarter to nine when a voice startled me.
"George, What're you doing here?"
I whirled like a dervish toward the sound. I was pleasantly surprised to see Dave Reed's standing two meters behind me. Dave
was a small guy, about one sixtyfive cm and seventy kg. A chemical engineering graduate assistant, he was also in the Graduate
Student Association, where I first met him.
"Remember the tales I told you about my other life?" I answered with a question. "Welcome to one which is occurring now."
Dave's eyes lit up. "May I help?"
"Sure. It would look less suspicious if I should update you on my latest exploits while I keep watch for our target."
I was just through explaining the case to Dave when Joe's voice broke through my comilink.
"George, Keith, I just spotted a short, blond man with a few pouches on his person."
"Come on, we've hit paydirt," I commanded. Then into my comilink I replied, "I'll be there in five minutes. Over."
"George, there's no time! He just exchanged the pouches for cash. He'll be leaving within a minute! Keith just arrived. We're
on a pinch. Call Troy fast!"
Dave and I halted at a pay phone long enough to allow mounting tension to build. Only he and Craig were there. I suggested
they meet us at the jewelry shop for a quick search.
Meanwhile, the suspect somehow knew something was wrong when Keith and Joe approached him. He broke into a trot and loped
just out of Keith's attempted tackle. The impact knocked Keith's skicap off, exposing his pulled back dark hair as he plopped
into the snow. Joe leaped over him as the frigid elements redded Keith's rubicund complexion further while he lay in the snow.
The fugitive soon lost Joe, also. He momentarily disappeared behind a fence and came out charging at Joe! Joe gulped as he
channeled his momentum in another direction. The blond, now wearing a tuque, ruthlessly assailed Joe and came within a meter
of running him over. Fortunately, Joe dived behind a trash bin in time. So, both guys found out how to kiss snow! While the
culprit was retreating down the slope, Joe lay there dazed, his mustache soaked with perspiration. There had been skis behind
the fence!
The impact knocked Keith's skicap off, exposing |

his pulled-back dark hair as he plopped into the snow. (C) Alopex 1987, 2003 |
Dave and I arrived to a serene scene at the jewelry shop. Dave shook his head as I motioned us to go inside.
"No," he reminded me. "If they should recognize you, the shopkeeper would clam up. Let me ask about the jewelry. You come
in later within earshot."
I waited until the shopkeeper had brought out the wares. Then I came within earshot, pretending to browse another counter.
"What kind of guarantee do you offer for these earrings?" Dave was saying.
"Well, you know I have to run a business. That is why my prices are low. Excuse me, a supplier just came in."
"Hey, Dan," an average-height man with wavy hair broached. "We've picked up a liquidation of pearls last week."
I nearly blanched as this supplier went into the backroom with the ruddy-haired lentiginous shopkeeper. I casually stepped
up behind Dave and whispered, "I'm going to follow this guy."
I retreated just as the suspect came back out. I knew I didn't have time to meet Troy, so I had to hope he had sense enough
to forget about a search there. If he busted the shopkeeper before we had uncovered the ring, we'd probably lose the case.
"So long, Mike," perorated the shopkeeper.
"I still can't decide," Dave picked up the negotiations. "I'll decide whether to return later.
By this time, I was following the suspect. I knew as Mike back to the motel rooms. Mike appeared oblivious enough to make
me wonder if he had been a decoy. He unlocked the door to room one seventy five nonchalantly. Dave appeared twenty seconds
after Mike had closed the door.
"Someone's following you!" he croaked nervously.
We retreated to a doorway and ducked behind it. Joe and Keith passed us!
"Hey, guys, over here," I crackled.
"George, someone burgled our room! Our clothes were strewn all over!"
"Did they find my revolver?"
"That's the first thing Keith and I sought. It's still there."
"Good. Then it's still safe. Our next task is to follow this guy. I suppose you didn't catch the blond."
"He took off on skis and tried to run me down," Joe protested.
"Okay, buddy," I alleviated. "Meet Dave Reed. These are our partners in crime, Joe Tunk and Keith Cahill."
After they shook hands, I relinked the conversation. "How did you lose the blond?"
"I told you. He had skis."
"Which means that this Mike may be planning a similar escape right now. Keith, you get our skis out of Renault. Here're the
"You forgot, George, your trunk has no lock!"
"And the screwdriver to open the trunk is on the back seat," I continued despite the interruption.
"Joe, you tell Troy what happened. He should be at the jewelry shop by now. Find out who rented this room -- one seventyfive."
I crept to the door and put my ear close to the wood as I kept an eye out the empty corridor. I could hear our suspect on
the telephone.
"...It's nice to know Frank escaped, but I'm going to need your help to shake this guy, Rob. Okay, I'll meet you at the entrance."
I withdrew rapidly when I heard his cradling the receiver. I rejoined Dave behind the wall as our suspect emerged with skis.
I hoped that Keith had been coming this way!
We maintained a fifty-meter tail on Mike. Keith walked right past him right outside the motel, and for once I was glad they
didn't know each other. Mike dropped his skis just as he turned a corner with ours. We had ours on when Joe came outside.
I grabbed his attention from behind the corner, which was happenstance. As soon as I came around the corner, after Joe was
finishing the slats, our suspect fled!
Dave had just come outside when we launched ourselves into the chase. He wanted to say, "How about me?", but none of us heard
him. He could always report to Troy, I thought.
Our suspect was already seventy meters away as we reached twenty kilometers an hour. At that time I realized the significance
of what I had heard; He was calling for reinforcements! Nonetheless, if this Rob showed up, we'd still have them outnumbered
three to two. Unluckily, that arithmetic was too simple.
Joe strained to catch us as we reached the slopes. I didn't know whether to discount this chase location; I had to decide
whether this Mike had actually called their headquarters and whether this Rob would have time to meet us at the same sloped
location or another.
Soon I realized that indeed the burglars were raising the ante; I had gone down this same suspicious slope five times yesterday!
We were within four hundred meters of the murder site when another skier joined the suspect and split off. I then realized
that the suspect had only seen me, for they didn't expect three pursuers.
Joe veered a yaw to follow who I thought was Rob. Keith and I continued to chase Mike, now three hundred meters from the murder
site. I moved alongside Keith and shouted, "Let's do the maneuver!"
We split perpendicularly for a pincer movement. I figured we'd meet at the suspected area. We were now out of sight of Mike,
but we were quite sure not for long.
I zigzagged around conifers and came out to the slope some hundred meters from the murder site. Keith was standing in an osar.
I slackened to the spot. Keith flashed his gelasins.
"He went in here somewhere."
We unlatched our skis and felt for an opening, any kind of aperature. The weak but bright January sun revealed a crack in
the layer. My finger followed it to an underpass aside the hill. I beamed as the rock slid aside.
Tenebration greeted us as we sheltered ourselves. A lamp sat nearby with matches. I lit it and we proceeded into the bowls
of the mountain. We walked about a hundred meters down the passageway until we came to a door. When I opened the door, Keith
rushed into the room.
"Wow!" he exclaimed. "This whole place ls loaded with jewelry!"
"Stolen, no doubt," I deduced. "It seems as if we be in the subbasement of one of the buildings, given the existence of these
"Correct, Król!" hissed a strange voice. I had been looking at the light fixture. I whirled around to see a semibearded, curly-haired
man about one seventyfive and a bit gray. He must have been a sexagenarian, so I momentarily contemplated a rush. However,
he had anticipated my reaction, for he had Keith in a headlock and a hypodermic syringe aimed at Keith's left arm.
"Given that you know some physiology, at least enough to know orthostatic syncope, you also know what will happen if I should
inject this solution of potassium chloride into your buddy," he sneered.
"Surrender, Król!" he ordered. He could have been bluffing, but if it had been KCl, Keith would have died nearly instantaneously
from cardiac arrest.
"All right, you have us," I said defiantly, "Now what?"
"It's simple," leered the leader. "Orris, Dan, tie his hands behind him!"
Two men pulled my arms back, and rope bit into my wrists. I dared not turn around because of Keith's precarious position.
When they wound a rope around my chest to pin my humeri, the man relaxed enough to speak again.
"I'm glad you decided to coöperate, Król. It will be a pleasure to prosecute you."
The fellow we had been chasing entered with more rope and began tying Keith's wrists behind him. The mystery man took the
needle and placed it on the table aside him.
"You were smart, Król. That syringe does have KCl in it. However, the death penalty here is much more subtile and excruciating!
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Robert H. Brock, Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. My fellow justice, Donald Ginzberg,
and I are running an enterprising operation here, and you've broken the law."
"What law did we break?" Keith asked.
"I live like an anchorite here to run a business. It must be surreptitious. Oh, dear. Your coming here was adventitious, unfortunately
for you," Brock mused. "You've discomposed our caper by finding us, for which you shall die!"
" So they must be in there. Should we wait a bit |

to see if they come out?" Joe dubitated. (C) Alopex, 1987, 2003 |
Joe had been chasing the second skier for about a kilometer when he lost the chasee. Perplexed, he sidled to stop. A chill
swept through his body as he realized he was alone!
Joe decided to catch the lift to the top, and to follow the path George and Keith had taken, perhaps meeting them back at
the top. He accelerated downhill, taking care that he was alone and that his foe was not following him. Another kilometer
down, Joe caught the lift and met some companions at the top. Troy and Craig were worried as Joe alit the lift and skied toward
"Where's George?" Troy insisted.
"The last time I saw them they were chasing the other guy down the hill. We had to split because our fugitive had some help.
The joiner lost me, so I came back to find out if George and Keith had returned also."
"Well, they surely haven't," Craig affirmed.
"Do you suppose they had caught this guy and were working him over?" Joe inquired.
"No, they'd bring him back here, unless he had led them to the hideout," Troy hypothesized. "Craig, get me some skis. Joe,
show me where you last saw them!"
Five minutes later, Joe and Troy reached the divergent point. They skied at high speed until they realized that they were
coming down the same slope as the murder site, or more precisely, where Troy et aliď had found Neil's corpse!
"The hideout must be around here," Joe deduced as he found the spot where we had diverged to entrap our prey. "See, they diverged
to fool this Mike they were chasing."
"Uh, oh," Troy added. "Room one seventyfive was rented by a Mike Sawyer."
"Are you sure?"
"Quite. To rent a room, one needs a license."
"Troy, we should follow these tracks to determine if they had converged."
Surely enough, they met in front of the abri. Troy skied along the osar and met Joe on the other side.
"They must be in there," Joe observed. "How far do the ski marks go?"
I saw them end near the right side, which is closer to us, up to a side crevice."
"So, they must be in there.! Should we wait a bit to see if they should come out?" Joe dubititated.
"We're in a quandary. If we should storm into there, and George and Keith be not in there, we'd lose any evidence we find
should we uncover that burglary ring," Troy opined.
"It sounds judicious, particularly because we might be outnumbered," Joe empiricized.
"Joe, duck!" ordered the curlipate. "Someone's coming to the abri!"
The two investigators observed an imprecating skier following the tracks I had made from the port side of the dugout. He could
not believe that his partners weren't so perspicacious to leave the tracks behind. He was busy obliterating the spoors when
he reached the entrance. Only then did he turn his cautious countenance to scan his environment. His lentiginous and strigine
nose sniffed the air. How could Mike be so stupid to lead his pursuers to their safehouse? At least they had removed the skis!
He took one glance once more after he removed his skis. Then he slipped inside. Finally, he issued into the subbasement. He
doffed his skicap, revealing short, dark hair, parted from the right side. A short and sandy-haired man came into the room.
"Steve," the dark man addressed his subordinate. "Where's Sawyer? That idiot led Król and Cahill here, didn't he?"
"Rob," Steve objected. "We caught them!"
"So, what?" Rob replied scathingly. "Now we'll have to kill them! Do you think Fedora is going to give up looking for them?
We're going to have to leave here, and if you guys weren't careful, you'd be back on welfare!"
"Brock is trying them now," Steve resumed the information flow.
"I suppose Peck and Nipp are guarding the prisoners. Where's Toledo?"
"He's setting up the skis with Ginzburg. We should be hanging them within the hour."
Brock banged his gavel. "The case of Brock vs |

Król and Cahill commences. Justice Ginzberg, the evidence, please." (C) Alopex, 1987, 2023 |
Brock banged his gavel. "The Case of Bork versus Król and Cahill commences. Justice Ginzburg, the evidence, please."
Ginzburg stepped forward in front of a make-shift bench. "Your Honor, we caught the defendants' spying on the premises."
"Hmmm," the flagitious professor muttered as he stroked his bearded chin. "This calls for the death penalty. I sentence you
to skiing until you are dead. Because this crime is particularly heinous, we will prolong death as long as possible."
"How will you dispose our corpses?" I shot back to addle the nefarious pseudojustice.
"You're too censorious about our plans. We will use this cave as a charnel for your bodies. This time we will be chary," Brock
returned the fire.
"Take them away, and let the executions begin!"
As Dan and Orris led us away, Rob entered the chambers. Ginzburg met Rob halfway to the bench. "What do you want, Ratfinkel?"
"Look, Hophead, you've been smoking too much marijuana to think clearly. Fedora just received three more investigators! We
have to get out of here! Where's Sawyer?"
"He went back to the motel room to check out."
"That moron! I am tired of operating with amateurs! It's obvious that we'll have to start all over again. I know! We'll kill
our accomplices, bury them in the corridor and set off a neat explosion. We'll have to move fast, for those tracks may have
given us away already."
"But, Rob," Ginzburg contravened. "How are we going to kill them all so soon?"
"Always objecting that we cannot do it," Ratfinkel railed. "Remember the tough time we had with that blond curlipate? I still
managed to break his neck. It's time I returned to the motel room and did the same to Sawyer."
With a huff, Ratfinkel stomped out of the chambers past a hidden accomplice. Steve Blake had a mental storm brewing. First,
he jointed this group because he had been jobless and Thornbushfare ran out after three months. Burglarizing put some excitement
into his youth in addition to money. Murder was not part of his plans. Now, with the new year, he had been part of two murders.
Not that he had personally killed anyone. He surely didn't like it when he, Dan, Orris, and Mike carried the body of the inspector
outside on Saturday morning. How did they know that this method was not what Ratfinkel and Toledo meant when they told them
to dispose of the body? He could not endure watching that inspector die, yet his shyness prevented him from doing any more
than tacit acquiescence. He couldn't allow it again. particularly in light of Ratfinkel's murderous intentions. The latter
reason gave him enough courage to tell Orris when he had the chance.
Troy was pacing the floor outside the magistrate's office. Craig stuck his somatotonic visage outside the ajared door. "Great
news!", the dark man reported. "We have an arrest warrant for the shopkeeper thanks to Dave and a search warrant
for the abri thanks to you and Joe!"
"Let's hit the jewelry shop first. Maybe we can get enough information to nail this guy and the whole ring. Do we
have a search warrant for the backroom of the shop?" Troy hedged.
"The judge just signed it. We don't have enough probable cause for searching room one seventyfive."
"You guys make the pinch. I'll go with Joe and Dave for a little stakeout for a member of the gang. Maybe we can
bluff our way into the room."
Craig took the four investigators -- Josh Last, Rich Kernel, and John Cradle -- to the jewelry shop. Troy took Joe and
Dave to room one seventyfive. With Joe and Dave's flanking him, Troy listened then knocked. "Open up, Sawyer. It's the
After a minute of silence, Troy pulled out a key and unlocked the door. The three rushed inside to a room devoid of humans.
Troy was addled. "I was sure I had heard him in here. It's a good thing there's no evidence in here."
"If there had been," Joe continued. "Sawyer just took it with him. " Joe pointed to an open window
and its fluttering drapes.
No one knew it, but while they were squinting into the nival outside, Ratfinkel nearly walked into the room. While they
were stil nictitating to spot Sawyer, Ratfinkel began a retreat to the den.
The snow reflected so sharply because the sun was setting. Troy, Joe, and Dave went back to the jewelry shop. Craig was
"We got this guy flagrante delicto. He was buying stolen diamonds when we moved in."
"Good work", Lauded Troy. Now we move into the pięce de resistance. Does everyone have a gun?"
"I don't", Dave rebuked.
"You guys stay here", Troy overruled.
"Look", Joe protested. "We were part of this team. We will take responsibility for ourselves. Besides,
I have George's revolver."
Troy raised his eyebrows, furrowing his forehead up to his curls. He couldn't help admiring such loyalty. "Okay,
you guys may come as long as you stay in the rear. We may need more than five anyway."
"Are the regular police standing by?" Craig checked in preparation of the raid.
"They're all set for the bust," John replied.
"Okay. Let's go. We'll just have enough daylight to get into the redoubt."
"Okay, Mike," I agreed. "You cut us down, and we |

capture the culprits." (C) Alopex 1988,2003 |
"Don't bother to yell," the wicked professor advised. "That inspector was screaming right before he expired, and it didn't
do him a bit of good." The depraved professor then left us trapped in his latest malefaction.
Brock's toadies had shown us what he meant by "skiing"; Using four skis nailed to the wall, they used the fasteners to bind
our wrists and ankles. They also tied us into an immobile position to bring on orthostatic syncope as fast as possible. It
was an exhilarating feeling at first, then it would become more painful as our blood settled in our lower limbs. Keith was
hanging on a perpendicular wall. After Brock left, he looked at me.
"Our chances look gloomy, don't they?"
I looked at him with a diehard gaze. "I would lie if I said no. Just think positively, and be in a state of grace. I'm afraid,
little buddy, that hope isn't enough to save us, but let's look at the possibilities.
"First, my suspicions about the location of this place I descried in my diary yesterday. Joe also knows where we were going
if he had followed our path, and he and Troy were part of our investigation of the site they found the deceased. Surely, they
are looking for us."
"Then where are they? It looks as if my carelessness when I rushed into the subbasement be going to get us killed. You should
have rushed Brock when you had the chance."
"No, Keith," I disapproved with philadelphian gentleness. "There is no evidence that I could have escaped at the cost of your
life. Stop torturing yourself."
Those words were lingering when Ginzburg sauntered into the dungeon. Obviously high, he walked up to me with faraway eyes.
"Hey, man," he slurred. "Want a hit? It would be less painful if you died high."
"No thanks," I declined.
"Maybe the cute, little Celtic guy would like a snort," Ginzburg said while staggering towards Keith.
"No, I don't think so," I clued.
"No matter," Ginzburg agreed. "The little guy's unconscious, so he can't feel pain."
Shock sprayed my hypokinesized body.
"Keith, don't go out on me already!"
It was futile; The extra stress he felt about our capture may have caused alkalosis, enough to accelerate unconsciousness.
I then knew his time was shorter than mine.
"Ginzburg," a voice admonished. "Cut the raillery, and get out of here."
It was the one whom Keith and I had chased into the hideout. Sawyer had enough viridity to led us to the cave, now I had to
wheedle his help to get us out of this lethal situation.
"Your friends nearly caught me in that room, so I figure they'll be here soon. If we should rescue you, would you forget our
part in this gang?"
"All I came here for were the leaders of the burglary ring and the murderers. Who are 'we'?
"We are Dan, Orris, Steve, and I. We joined this group because we were jobless and nearly street people. We had no intention
to murder anyone, just to rip off rich tourists."
"Okay, Mike," I agreed. "You cut us down, and we capture the culprits. I will also pledge to help you find jobs."
"Just a moment," Toledo interrupted as he burst into the room. "Are you guys crazy? You are all murder accomplices. The state
may execute you for the two murders. Isn't that right, Król?"
I knew Toledo had me there, so I feigned unconsciousness.
"We'll take our chances," Dan disagreed. "Steve overheard Ratfinkel's planning to kill us all."
Frank Toledo became indignant. "Does that include me?" he asked lugubriously.
"Regardless, Frank," Dan Peck rebuked. "We're revolting against those two fruitcakes who think they're justices. We will have
no more of this ring!"
Toledo blanched noticeably, even framed by his vanilla-blond hair. He pivoted and left the room. Perhaps Rob could change
their minds.
Dan and Mike grabbed a ladder and started cutting my arm bounds and unlatching my wrists.
"No," I protested. "Get Keith down first. I can wait."
While the four scurried over to Keith, I flapped my arms to pump up the circulation. Using a knife they had left me, I began
to cut my trunk loose. They had him down by the time I unlatched my legs from the protean.
"Is he alive?" I supplicated as I ran over to the table where they had laid him.
Dan was listening to Keith's chest. He smiled as his cap slipped off his head. Mike took a vial of ammonia and waved it under
Keith's nose.
Keith's nose became rubescent, then he coughed. His rosy cheeks returned. I was relieved; we were just in time.
"So, what?" Rob replied scathingly. "Now we'll |

have to kill them! " (C) Alopex 1988, 2023 |
Just as Keith stirred, several men burst into the chamber. Troy emerged as he asked, "Are you guys alright?"
"Yes," I responded. "Did you get our four captors?"
"Aren't these guys your captors?" Troy asked incredulously.
"No," I denied. "These four are our rescuers. Our four captors are Toledo, Ratfinkel, Ginzburg, and Brock. Didn't you catch
them as you came in?"
"Why, no. We thought you were the only ones here," Troy looked confused.
"None of these guys was the one we saw come in," Joe affirmed. "They must have escaped another way."
"Is there another way out of this subbasement?" I asked our rescuers.
"I'll show you," Steve said, leading the five into the hallway.
"Gack, George, all the excitement and I'm lying here unconscious," Keith blurted behind me.
"How're you feeling?" I asked perfunctorily.
"Quite well, given that I've just been crucified," Keith beamed.
We embraced as he lay on the table, but not for long; there was work left to do.
"Are you well enough to get the guys who did all this?"
Keith scanned his surroundings. "Aren't these guys part of the gang?" he stared bewilderedly.
"No," I admonished. "These guys are our rescuers. As Doctor James Eisenstein would say, we just knocked them out of the criminal
"Let's get those perpetrators," Keith yelled, concurring my judgment.
"Where would Brock go?" I asked the real victims of the four deceivers.
"I'd say they went back to the motel room unless someone's watching there, Mike ventured.
"Troy," I called. He returned a minute later. "They might be back at the motel, plotting an escape. You'd better alert the
police to block off the effluent roads!"
Josh Last dejectedly strolled into the room. "They egressed through the first floor," he muttered disgustedly. "We have no
idea which way they went."
"We think they went back to the motel to escape," Troy contravened. "Let's get to the snowmobiles and get back there before
they do."
"Come, guys," I waved as we followed the group out through the cave.
"George", Craig observed. "We can't take all seven of you back."
"That's okay," I winked at our former captors. "These guys can stay here."
Taking my cue, the four planned their disappearance from this case. We soon left them far behind when we reached the motel.
"This is awful," Troy growled. "We have no idea what kind of vehicle they're in."
"Wait a minute," I blurted. "Did they escape on skis?"
"Sure, there're ski tracks outside the window," Rich Kernel affirmed my suspicions.
"So, they probably took the lift up. All we have to determine is which lift is the closest to the abri."
Craig pulled out a map after we went inside. He pointed out the nearest lift.
"My group will take my car. You guys meet us there," I said. "Keith, you have my car keys."
Keith became abashed as he searched his pockets. "No, I don't have them."
"Neither do I," I added as I explored my pockets. "I'm sure I had given them to you to get the skis."
"By the way, George, here's your revolver," Joe remembered after he had search his pockets.
"You don't suppose..." Keith started.
"Let's find out," I answered.
We sprinted to the place I had parked my car. Bęte Grise was nowhere in sight.
"They must have taken the keys off you, Keith. Perhaps they had intended to dispose of the car after they did of us."
We sprinted back in time to catch Troy. I quickly gave him the details of my car, and he relayed them to the roadblock crew.
"It's going to be difficult to see a dark grey Renault in the dark," he stated.
"I'd like to know how the four of them squeezed into it," Joe teased.
I turned away, and Joe and Keith followed. When we were inaudible to the officers, Joe dared the question. "Why did you let
them go?"
"Look, you guys, they are economical victims whose blundering led us to the burglary ring. Do you honestly believe they deposited
the body so close to the hideout accidentally? No, the murder motivated them to end the operation. I figured if we had played
our cards right, they'd have given up. The criminal justice system will have enough to do with those four."
"What do you suppose will happen with the nuclear gang of four?" Joe contemplated.
"Brock and Ginzburg need asylum. The other two probably deserve death for the second murder. But this is all speculation.
It'll be for a jury to decide."
"How did you know Brock and Ginzburg were not the killers in the second murder?" Keith queried.
"Not the way Verdigris fought them. I just hope we can get some Miranda-admissible confessions."
"Good news," Troy called to us. "Rob Richardson's crew just captured the four of them."
"Our job is done," I concluded.
"So, George," Troy addressed as we shook hand. "You're going back to State College."
"It's a new semester. My assistantship's kicking in next Monday"
"Goodbye, guys," Troy said to Joe and Keith in my car.
"We'd be available to testify," I reminded Troy, "If you should need us."
I dropped into the car, slid behind the wheel and started Bęte Grise up. We waved as we started down the Poconos back to Wilkes-Barré.
I'd stay with my mother another day or so, and then it was back to routine in State College.
"Hey, George," Keith interrupted when we left the resort. "Doesn't it bother you that some moron was sitting where you are
last night?'
"Nonsense. I still own the car!"