General Photo Album
Senior Class Trip to Tammiment on Friday, 17 January 1975
We were the first class of Bishop Hoban High School in Wilkes-Barre to go through the entire four years.
Note: John Wilkes and Isaac Barre were two members of Parliament who sided with the colonists in their dispute with Great
Britain. It is why the city has a hyphened name, similar to Winston-Salem NC.
Click to go to the former site of Bishop Hoban High School in Wilkes-Barre (PA). It has consolidated with three other high
schools into Holy Redeemer on the same site.
We were waiting for lunch in our temporary room. |

They jammed about ten of us into each room! |
The guys played cards while I snapped pictures, |

and I recorded their voices. The tape no long exists! |

May Beansy Monahan, Pete Stefaniak, and Mark Soniak rest in peace.
I must go to the next renion!
