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Tax Law in the United States
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As a seasonal member of H & R Block, I will be blogging the changes in tax laws, particularly the updates for the year 2010.  We have received the latest changes for the tax year.  There will probably be more in 2011.
Although the IRS is accepting  all returns since Monday, 14 February.  This is the best time to come into Block because we are in a pause until the end of March.
H&R Block is offering FREE returns, but ONLY 1040EZ.  If there are any other forms to fill or any state returns, it is NOT TOTALLY FREE.  1040EZ is best for students who earn a little money for a simple return.  The free offer continues until 28 February.
Because the federal government and the IRS think that loans are exploiting the public, they have changed the criterion from debt indicator to credit check.  This means that it will cost even more for loans against refunds.  HSBC no longer supports those loans, so they no longer bank Block.  Block will not have an Emerald Loan from its own bank to close that gap.  Block will still offer the Refund Anticipation Check, which is NOT a loan.  The target dates are the Friday 1-2 weeks after the IRS accepts the return.

Thanks to the loobyists, Congress will be changing tax laws for those who push the most, the insiders.
Major Ones:
Adoption: the maximum amount has increased.  In 2010, the credit is refundable (which means the liablity for taxes does not limit the credit for the year, forcing one to carry it over).
Exemptions: outside of head of household, all the standard deductions have continued unchanged, as so have the personal exemptions.
Extended credits too late to include until midFebruary are:
tution and fees, state and local SALES tax, and the educator's
Complaint:  Why do so many taxpayers refuse to have the federal government take $3 out of the general fund and place it into the presidential election fund?  It doesn't cost anything, and when does the federal government give taxpayers the right to decide where any taxes may fund?  To accept the money from that fund, the candidate agrees to limit spending and other influences in the campaign, yet so many refuse to place $3 into the fund.
George F Will and the corporate state love it!  That way special interests can fund presidential campaigns without worrying about the middle and lower classes!  One gets the government one deserves, not teabagging!

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